Friday night was the world premier of the newest Warren Miller movie called "Like There's No Tomorrow," and it was a good one. This movie got me incredibly excited for the ski season.
For those of you who don't know what Warren Miller is, it's basically ski and snowboarding documentary films. They've been going for 62 years now! Let me just spell that out for emphasis. Sixty-two Years!! They take the movie on tour each year in October and for many, its a tradition to attend. I love these movies because they are a mixture of extreme sports, great music, and amazing videography. It really is art. I get very inspired by watching these shows. I highly reccomend this year's film, or even one of the 61 that came before. Check it out on Netflix, or I'm sure there's one floating around at your local library! Click here to view this year's movie trailer.

Here's Jonny Moseley. Former Olympic gold medalist, and narrator for the film.

This is just a Yeti that they picked up in British Columbia. He's part of the film, and a pretty good skier!

I loved these last two shots, and I knew when I took them, there was no way they would end up in BYU's newspaper! Glad to have the blog!

Abravanel Hall Has some crazy lines.

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