Sunday, June 29, 2008

Brock and Cole learn how to Bulldog

Brock and Cole "cowboy'ed up" yesterday and to tried bulldog some steers. It was incredibly funny to watch. Brock would slap his face to get pumped up before starting and Cole would throw in a few motivational swear words to get himself ready for the challenge. Haili's dad Jay taught them how to do all of this and he had a great time watching. After a few attempts, Jay told Brock that if he didn't get this next steer to the ground then he couldn't marry Haili. So, Brock slapped himself in the face and then asked his soon to be father in law to slap him in the face and then went out the shoot and pulled that steer to the ground! I guess he really wants to marry her after all!

Later on we were riding horses and the horse that cole was on started to trot. Cole got nervous because he had never been on a horse like this before, but he kept control of the horse and eventually stopped it. Right after that happened, Brock came up to me and said that Cole just looked like Marcus Brody! I laughed real hard because I knew that it was true.

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