Since I wasn't in Hawaii to cover the Football game, I went up to Salt Lake and shot a fun and exciting basketball game instead.



Loud fans

Face Smash. This wasn't called as a foul, fyi.

I love looking at the diversity of the fans in the background of this photo. The Amish beard, the giddy girl, the bored cheerleaders, the even more bored espn cord holder on the bottom right.




Elder Russell M Nelson

Abouo over a guy in pain.


Jimmer walked by.


Winder (His name is pronounced NOT like the Dairy by the way)

Struggle and face smash #2


Austin. This photo looks like the giant falling down from the beanstalk.


Zylstra celebrating a 3 pointer

Every kid in the world seems to love Cosmo, except for my 3-year-old. She's terrified of him!

Abouo's body looks so odd in this photo that I had to put this in.

Great shot of victory and defeat.


Face Smash #3

Abouo fade away

Hartsock can shoot with his eyes closed.

Abouo fighting his way to the basket.

BYU Head Coach Dave Rose held on to that ball until he felt he got his point across to the ref.

A Davies Dunk, I was just at the wrong side.

Abouo layup. One of my favorites from the night.

This shot makes it look like Oregon's #33 swatted that ball to Canada, but he missed.


Jimmer watching the double digit Cougar win.
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